音を生み出すだけでなく、「音楽を体験として提供したい」をコンセプトに、音を届ける方法にも意識を向けたプロジェクトを次々と行った。音の可能性・創造性を拡げるべく、他業界の優れたクリエイターとのコラボレーションを意欲的に展開。SUMMER SONIC、ARABAKI、RISING SUN、その他数々の大型フェスティバルに出演して知名度を上げる一方で、森・寺・蔵・工場・図書館など、様々な場所と空間を音でデザインした。
・2023 年
春。Spotify での再生数約 790万、Apple Music での再生数約 430万、最新アルバム 「東源京」165 万、シングル「Somber」81万。
・2022 年
冬、Namy&を離れ、独立。台湾の朋友、I mean Usとの共同制作シングル曲「途中」をリリース。
初頭からシングル曲を続けて発表。「Cresent」・「Utopia」・マレーシアのFroyaと共同制作した「invisible」。それらを収録したアルバム 「loom」をリリース。
春、オンラインライブ Impromptu-magma を開催。
同年末、米音楽紙の POP MATTERS Best Folk Album に選出される。
東源京収録曲「アヲイノカラス」がApple Music JAPAN 年間 BEST 100 曲にランクイン。
・2020 年
年頭に Namy&Inc.とエージェント契約を結び、アジアのミュージシャンたちと共同制作を重ね始める。
秋、「UQiYO」が Yuqi のソロプロジェクトの名称となる。
ライブストリーミング企画 impromptu__雪 「音楽小説」を開催。
シンガポールのMARICELLEと「lo V er (feat. MARICELLE)」、台湾のI mean Usとの共同制作「6000°C」をリリース。
・2019 年
秋、Key.の mica bando が加わる。
・2018 年
・2017 年
春、「月刊少年ウキヨ」を開始。各サブスクリプションサービスでの配信と iTunesを通じて13ヶ月連続で新曲を発表。とりわけ台湾のZooey WonderやインドのAjay Pohankarとの共同制作曲が話題になる。
秋、Key.の Phantao が脱退。
・2016 年
初頭、元ちとせとの「Ship’s」や酒井景都との「Lost in Wonderland」を含むミニアルバム「Black Box OTOGi vol.01」をリリース。
初秋にSpotify に参入し、日本でのサービス開始に先駆けて海外向けにリリース。
・2015 年
記念ツアーで全国 12 ヶ所を回る。
・2014 年
・2013 年
春、前年のデモCDをきっかけに、デザインスタジオTWOTONEの支援を得て、シングル曲「At the Starcamp」を発表。優れたMVが評判を呼ぶ。このMVと、Augment5と制作した映像が生んだ出会いがその後「TWiLiGHT」につながる。
・2010 年
Their music features a diverse sound heavily influenced by Western music, with clear vocals that permeate the body. They combine the coolness of electronic music with a warmth that resonates with people, creating a “human-electro” sound.
Their androgynous vocals gently caress the eardrum like a spring breeze, while their soundscapes expand comfortably like an autumn sky. The intricately layered sounds can be intense like a summer storm or shimmer like icy winter snow.
Not only focused on creating music, UQiYO also pursues projects with the concept of “providing music as an experience.” They are dedicated to expanding the possibilities and creativity of sound and actively collaborate with talented creators from other industries. UQiYO has gained recognition by performing at large-scale festivals such as SUMMER SONIC, ARABAKI, RISING SUN, and many others. They have also designed soundscapes in various locations and spaces, including forests, temples, warehouses, factories, and libraries.
Their comforting music, which blends seamlessly into everyday life, invites listeners into an extraordinary world.
Spring. Approximately 7.06 million plays on Spotify, 3.91 million plays on Apple Music, 1.35 million for the latest album “東源京 (Tokyo Utopia)”, and 710,000 for the single “Somber”. UQiYO continues to explore new ways to deliver his music, with relentless creativity and planning.
In winter, he left Namy& and became independent. He released the collaborative single “途中” with Taiwanese friends I mean Us. UQiYO held “東源京の夜のとばり (Night shade of the Tokyo Utopia)” to present the message of his previous album “Tokyo Utopia” in a live format. The event was a culmination of UQiYO’s activities, featuring a high-quality live performance in collaboration with especially important musicians, sound engineers, artists, and staff.
From the beginning of the year, he released a series of single tracks: “Crescent,” “Utopia,” and “Invisible” co-written with Malaysian artist Froya. He released an album “Loom” containing these tracks.
In spring, he held the online live event “Impromptu-magma”.
In autumn, he released the folklore album “Tokyo Utopia” created with spatial audio and inspired by his hometown Chofu. He performed at Taiwan’s music festival “The Nobleman’s Walk.”
At the end of the year, album “Tokyo Utopia” was selected as the Best Folk Album by the American music magazine POP MATTERS. The song “アヲイノカラス (Horse Boar Crow)” from “Tokyo Utopia” ranked in the Apple Music JAPAN Annual BEST 100 Songs.
Released the single “RA!!i!!NY.”
At the beginning of the year, he signed an agent contract with Namy&Inc. and began collaborating with Asian musicians.
Released the single “FLY.”
In autumn, “UQiYO” became the name of Yuqi’s solo project.
Held the live streaming event Impromptu__雪 “音楽小説 (Music Novel).”
Released “lo V er (feat. MARICELLE)” with Singapore’s MARICELLE and “6000°C” co-produced with Taiwan’s I mean Us.
In spring, released the single “BLiNK.”
In summer, performed alongside Hikari Mitsushima, Kentaro Sakaguchi, Shinnosuke Mitsushima, and Yoichi Nukumizu in Hiroshi Kumabayashi’s play “As You Like It” at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre.
In autumn, keyboardist Mica Bando joined the group.
In spring, released their third album “Stones” containing all tracks from “月刊少年ウキヨ (Monthly Shonen UQiYO)” and held a nationwide tour.
In spring, started “Monthly Shonen UQiYO.” Released new songs consecutively for 13 months through subscription services and iTunes. Collaborative works with Taiwan’s Zooey Wonder and India’s Ajay Pohankar gained attention.
In autumn, keyboardist Phantao left the group.
At the beginning of the year, released the mini-album “Black Box OTOGi vol.01” including “Ship’s” featuring Chitose Hajime and “Lost in Wonderland” with Kate Sakai.
Held a nationwide tour from spring to autumn.
In early autumn, joined Spotify and released music for overseas audiences before the service’s launch
In spring, they released their second album “TWiLiGHT,” featuring tracks created in collaboration with various creators from different industries. They held a commemorative tour, visiting 12 locations across Japan. In winter, drummer Sima officially joined the group.
In summer, their album “UQiYO” was released nationwide for the first time. They held live performances in diverse venues such as live houses, coworking spaces, and temples. At the same time, they started the “151A” project, in which people delivered, hand-in-hand, a single CD to locations from Hokkaido to Okinawa(It didn’t make it to Okinawa)
In spring, after their demo CD from the previous year, they received support from design studio TWOTONE and released the single “At the Starcamp.” The excellent music video gained popularity. The encounters resulting from this music video and visuals produced with Augment5 led to the creation of “TWiLiGHT.” They released their first album titled “UQiYO.”
In winter, vocalist/composer Yuqi began activities with keyboardist Phantao. Following the advice of Yuqi’s brother, they sent a large number of demo CDs to video creators and studios across Japan and waited for feedback.