- RA!!i!!NY
「夢の中の夢の中の、また夢の中」というコンセプトを幻想的な音楽と歌詞で表現。心地よいダンスビートで、しっとりと湿度高い、ドリーミーなアートポップに彩られた「何層もの夢の中」へリスナーをいざなう。MVを手がけたのはハリウッド等で活躍するカナダの映像クリエイターPatrick Shannon。「雨の日のTOKYO」をインスピレーションに、曲の世界観とストーリーを繊細に描いた。都会のネオンが滲んで行くような疾走感とトリップ感を体験できる一曲。
”RA!!i!!NY”は、History Channelの番組の主題歌・挿入歌として書き下ろされ、日本を含め東南アジアの17ヶ国、計1,280万世帯に放送された。
The colorfully-titled "RA!!i!!NY" is inspired by the city lights and expressive artfulness of Tokyo culture, the main theme being "a dream within a dream within a dream". Sonically, the song verges in the direction of crafty art pop, recalling imagery of rainy days in a bustling city landscape with its ethereal sound. Inundated by tempo changes, textured synths and lilting vocals, "RA!!i!!NY" is a relaxed reflection on drizzly Tokyo nights. A collaboration with Canadian director Patrick Shannon, the music video accompaniment for the song features a more literal interpretation of the aforementioned. Shots of UQiYO wandering Tokyo streets amidst subtle showers set the scene for a coolly meditative take on showcasing the bustling city, lending warmth to the song's underlying story and themes. "RA!!i!!NY" was used as the theme song for a History Channel documentary, distributed throughout over 17 countries and 128 million viewers in Japan and Southeast Asia.