- U R M’ Pocekt
- Sl(n)ow Land
- 目日口O / 321O
- Night Safari
- 2 -memories-
- CRYSTALLE feat.Zooey Wonder
- Dry Dry Try
- END of the DAY
- Modrý sen
- ciRCle
- loTus feat.Pt. Ajay Pohankar
サブスクリプションサービスを通じて毎月新曲を発表する“曲の月刊連載”プロジェクト、「月刊少年ウキヨ」の“単行本”。13ヶ月続いた“連載”曲は色彩に富み、海外アーティストとの華やかなコラボレーションも聴きどころ。「CRYSTALLE」は台湾から新進気鋭のシンガーソングライターZooey Wonderを、「loTus」はインドの国宝級ミュージシャンPt. Ajay Pohankarを迎えた。
One of the very first "monthly series" projects in the world, UQiYO released a new single every month on streaming services and named the project "Monthly Shonen UQiYO". 13 sonically diverse singles were released throughout the course of the project, including collaborations with global artists like Taiwan's Zooey Wonder on "CRYSTALLE", and India's national treasure Ajay Pohankar on "loTus". The title "Stones" holds a double meaning- one refers to the beauty of daily life and everyday miracles that lie around us like common stones. As listeners make this album a part of their life, the songs become the soundtrack of their experiences - where the second meaning comes alive- as "Stories". The physical albums are individually unreproducable gems, created by the members hand-stamping each piece.