
New Beginning 2020

Thank you for your continued support for UQiYO.

From here on, UQiYO will be the name of Yuqi Kato’s solo project, and will be a loose and fluctuating musical collective centered around UQiYO. This “musical collective” will include current members Sima and mica bando.

UQiYO has repeatedly changed its member structure over the past 10 years of its band history. This is the result of aiming for the best for each situation at the time. However, for Yuqi, who is responsible for the creation of UQiYO, there has always been a haze in the depths of his mind.

In the midst of all the recent drastic changes in our activities have led Yuqi to confront his own identity.

After a long period of pondering and discussing among the team members, we have come to a conclusion that we need to come “face to face with our true creativity” once again. And in order to do so, we felt the need for Yuqi to remain free and pure, not as a team leader, but as a creator.

To pave the way for the next 10 years, Yuqi has decided to take on the responsibility, and we’ve decided that this is the best way for the road ahead.

As UQiYO=Yuqi Kato, we aim to face the music with greater purity and complete combustion of creativity. As a band, we are determined to push ourselves to a new level with Sima and mica bando.

(We apologize for surprising you with this sudden announcement.)

During our 10 years as UQiYO, we have been able to continue our activities with the support and cooperation of many of you.

All the members and staffs of UQiYO would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support.

We would like to ask for your continued support for the next chapter of UQiYO and for its members.

In addition, the Ukiyonomoto fan club will be re-launched as NUE (Newage UQiYO Exclusive) from 1st, Oct. The platform will be operated on Note for the time being. We look forward to seeing you here as well.



今後 UQiYO は、Yuqi Katoのソロプロジェクトの名称としていき、このUQiYOを中心とする緩やかで変動的な音楽集団としての活動としていくことになりました。この「音楽集団」としての固定メンバーには現在のメンバーであるSimaとmica bandoも含まれます。





UQiYO=Yuqi Katoとして、より純度高く音楽と向き合い、創造性の完全燃焼を目指します。バンド形態としては、Sima, mica bando と共に心新たに、更なる境地へ押し上げていきたいという一心です。





尚、10月1日よりファンクラブであるウキヨノモトは、NUE(Newage UQiYO Exclusive)として再出発します。プラットフォームは当面はNoteで運営していきます。是非こちらもよろしくお願いいたします。